Saturday, February 8, 2020

Blog is Resuming!

After much soul searching, I am resuming this blog. It's time consuming for me but I have received much appreciated feedback that folks enjoy the stories behind the many Bald Eagle photos that I post on the Honey Beeagles and More Facebook page. .
To update: I have still been observing the Honey Beeagles since last August, 2019. I had stopped by the nest then and discovered a Bald Eagle in it.
After that, I increased my surveillance of the neighborhood, the golf course, and the eagle perching places. I was able to determine by September that the Bald Eagle pair that I was seeing were the same pair that nested on Honey Bee Golf Course, 6th hole the last 2 seasons, in the "nest that HK built."
The last several months, the pair have added sticks and soft bedding material to the nest. Indeed, egg laying has been confirmed and the pair have been incubating eggs since around mid January.  I don't know exactly when egg laying began,  so I will be watching for possible hatching behavior from the adult eagles beginning on Valentine's Day. Incubation is about 34-35 days. When the eggs have hatched, the adults will be bringing prey to the nest to feed the eaglets. That is when things get really interesting.
Here is a photo of the pair from yesterday (2.7.20). This was a "nest exchange." The adults change places while incubating the eggs, to give each other a break. I believe that's the female on the left. She flew in to relieve the male who had been on the eggs for about 90 minutes.

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