Sunday, December 31, 2017

12.31.17 Busy Eagles at the nest

Not much time for me at Honey Bee but the Eagles were busy. Guess New Year's Eve is just another day!

 Sideways take off!
 Came right back though!
 End of the day perch

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1. Canada Goose for lunch

I spotted this Bald Eagle in a tree as I was about to leave the Honey Bee area.
I soon realized why it was there; a dead Canada Goose lay close to the road. As I watched the eagle, it suddenly went down to feed on the goose. The proximity of the goose and eagle to the busy road made me very nervous.

I spent about 45 minutes watching the eagle feed, back off, fly a tad, feed again, etc.  I realized it was a special opportunity. I also had been hoping for some shots with Fall colors and eventually this Eagle moved into a great position for that.

The Eagle left for good at that point. I walked across the street and moved what remained of the dead goose further onto the golf course property.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sterling's Halloween Visit

Trick or Treat! A new Eagle and an old eagle came to Honey Bee today. Banded Bald Eagle Sterling came in and chased off a visiting juvenile. She did not come alone though....she had a good looking stranger in tow!

Juvenile in the Osprey nest. The juvie took off as Sterling approached.
Sterling comes in. Her wing span is so impressive!

Sterling (left) and friend on the cell tower.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

New Bald Eagle at Honey Bee 9.24.17

Just two weeks after HK's death, I observed this Bald Eagle at Honey Bee today. For over 4 hours, it moved from the Osprey nest tower to the Honey Bee entrance tower, to a tree and back again and again. It would disappear for several minutes, but would reappear. When it landed, it would chatter. Another eagle appeared high up at least twice, but I never saw them together. Finally, it flew towards HK’s nest, but I was unable to relocate it. It appeared to be unbanded. My impression was that it was a male, as it seemed on the small side. I was really quite AMAZED at the physical likeness it had to the late, great, HK.