As they were leaving, suddenly the air was full of eagle screaming! I turned in time to see #1 come screaming in like a speeding bullet. I'd never seen a eagle fledgling fly at that speed! I was standing by my SUV across the road from the nest tree, so I had a great view of # 1 coming in. The eaglet was screaming all the way in!
I did not know the reason for this commotion at first, until out of the corner of my eye, I saw an Osprey.
I then watched the obviously frightened and still screaming eaglet land in the nest tree at full throttle.
The visiting folks had also seen a parent eagle arriving to defend its young. I think that's what part of all the screaming was about. I found the adult in the nest tree and in charge! I believe it was the female. She gave me the eagle eye and surveyed her territory.

Then, as abruptly as she appeared, she left.

The eaglets were still in the nest tree when I left.
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