It was an unseasonably warm day today, with highs in the lower 90's. When I arrived at the nest about 4:45PM, one of the eaglets was already on an adjacent branch. Thankfully, it had a nice breeze up there!
It would spend the better part of the next couple of hours, going back and forth from the branch to the nest, branch to the nest. It has become quite proficient at this, called "branching"
A couple of branchings were very high up, the eaglet getting a lot of air! Made me nervous!
High Jump! |
The second eaglet eventually showed itself, and the two interacted.
Finally, a parent flew in with a partial fish! It was what the eaglets were waiting for and they both disappeared into the nest.
The parent gave us ground watchers a couple of photo ops; here's one with it looking at us!
It was a great experience, one I especially enjoyed sharing with some photog friends and chatting with some neighbors and new friends!