Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29 Incubation?

I observed a subtle change of behavior at the nest late this afternoon. I was never able to observe the female but the male was quite active and when he flew in, he landed and perched precariously on the side of the nest. After several minutes of peering into the nest, he flew to a tree overlooking the street, where he attracted a lot of human attention, even stopping traffic. He left after a few minutes, and I was able to relocate him on the North Landing River. So, it is possible that egg laying/incubation has begun. Sorry, I can't be more definitive as I prefer that Reese Lukei makes that pronouncement.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10. Togetherness.

 Checking on the Honey Beeagles 1.10.19. I had been at the nest for about an hour today when this eagle flew in with a fish. It took about 20 minutes to eat it, then it left. I was able to relocate it on another part of the golf course, which was closed today due to the weather. Within a couple of minutes, the second eagle flew in and they had some "together time." Then they played a game of "follow me," for about 30 minutes, and I called it a day.